
Influencer Marketing Discussions on Twitter

, Influencer Marketing Discussions on TwitterLearn which topics are trending in influencer marketing discussions on Twitter with the latest research from BuzzStream and Fractl. Using Peer Index, Twitonomy, and the Alchemy API, we analyzed nearly 5,000 tweets to find the tweet types, sentiments, influencers, and hot spots in the industry. By tracking 10 popular keywords, we learned:

  • Tweets on tips and trends outnumber complaints about the industry 8:1.
  • PR tweets are overwhelmingly positive in sentiment, with one exception.
  • Brands dominate social authority in PR. 52% of top influencers are companies.

We compiled the top influencers, stories, and publications along with information of genders, job titles, sentiments and tweet types.

, Influencer Marketing Discussions on Twitter