
Is it Possible to use Content Marketing in Different Areas of the Buying Cycle?

Your business needs to differ from other businesses, and so should your content strategy. Whether you have a clear picture of your website’s goals are or need our expertise in defining them, we are well-prepared to put together a winning content marketing strategy that produces the results we promise.

At Fractl, we don’t rely on one type of campaign to achieve the diverging goals of our different clients. We have been proven successful in creating and implementing the following types of content campaigns:

Viral Campaigns:

Viral campaigns are general-awareness campaigns with a strong hook. At the core, the fundamentals of viral campaigns have a lot in common with general-awareness campaigns. However, the key difference is in using strong emotional drivers to encourage hyper-accelerated sharing and traffic.

Conversion-Driven Campaigns:

Conversion-driven campaigns are designed to target consumers in a specific market and lead them to sales on your site. These campaigns are hyper-targeted to a specific audience that is ready or nearly ready to purchase. We engage this audience through a data-driven approach married to an emotional hook. Additionally, we often enhance the buying experience through social media engagement.

Awareness Campaigns:

General-awareness campaigns are designed to appeal to authoritative sites that drive traffic and links. The goals for these campaigns are to increase exposure and engage consumers higher in the funnel. These campaigns are inherently designed to drive general traffic, increase brand awareness, and garner links.

On-Site Content:

On-site content is the backbone of your digital presence, and we help you build this foundation through data analysis and conversion testing. Whether it’s help building your brand, developing your voice in social media, providing resources for those gathering research, or creating a search-driven content approach, our team will help you deliver the best content to your target audience.

, Is it Possible to use Content Marketing in Different Areas of the Buying Cycle?